Sunday, April 26, 2009

Featured Artist NevaehLi Constantine

I am honored to share some work that a friend did. What a fabulous studio Nev has!!! A talent to match it as well!!! Enjoy these pics as much as I did and Thanks for letting us feature these Nev!!! ~*Dawn

Friday, April 24, 2009

Featured Artist: Vox Rhiarda

So many of my friends have taken up photography, I thought it would be fun to feature some of their work here. Vox or Voxie as I call him specializes in close up photos. Check these out...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's supposed to be why is it snowing?

BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! It is so cold here...a good time to be warmed up with photo shoots and long cuddles. Hope you enjoy these :)


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Love is in the Air

When is it not? Around these parts there is always a great opportunity for a wonderful cuddle picture! There is a special couple included here...Indigo and Violet or as Mysti calls them Budgie and Coot, (they told me Indigo and Violet...chuckles). They are the love hummingbirds that live on our island Fincayra. They are such a joy to me and to all who inhabit and visit the land. Also our friends Cate and Arjun...Cate has the flowers in her hair. The others are Willing and I with different filters and editing techniques tried. Thanks for reading!!
